#MakeFurHistory news, petsChantal LevesqueNovember 28, 2014#makefurhistory, George Laraque, SPCAComment
HOLIDAY GIFT CERTIFICATES petsChantal LevesqueNovember 28, 2014holidays, pet portrait, pet photography, giftComment
METAL PETS - EAGLE TEARS pets, concertChantal LevesqueNovember 21, 2014dog, cat, pet photography, Eagle TearsComment
BÊTES DE MODE // BEASTS OF FASHION petsChantal LevesqueNovember 7, 2014SPCA, dogs, Betes de Mode, Beasts of FashionComment
NATIONAL CAT DAY petsChantal LevesqueOctober 29, 2014pet photography, cat, editotial photographyComment
METAL PETS - JAMES & PAISLEY petsChantal LevesqueOctober 24, 2014pet portraits, pug, pets & musicians, dogComment
MANIFESTATION POUR CHANGER LE STATUT JURIDIQUE DES ANIMAUX AU QUÉBEC pets, newsChantal LevesqueOctober 11, 2014pets, news, protestComment