MOLLY - SÉANCE DANS LA NEIGE pet portraitChantal LevesqueDecember 10, 2017Parc Jarry, dog portrait, winter, snow sessionComment
TIMINOU - SÉANCE LIFESTYLE DANS LE VIEUX MONTRÉAL pet portraitChantal LevesqueDecember 2, 2017mutt, Old Montreal, fashion, collar, commercial shootComment
SÉANCE D'AUTOMNE - MISS ZOE & LUNA THE FRENCHIES pet portraitChantal LevesqueNovember 27, 2017french bulldog, frenchies, fall sessionComment
SNAC EN QUELQUES POINTS FORTS pet eventsChantal LevesqueNovember 6, 2017SNAC, salon animaux de compagnie, chiens, chats, cochons, alpacaComment
CASTING DOGGY CAFÉ - BASENJI, SHIBA INU Behind The ScenesChantal LevesqueOctober 24, 2017casting, Basenji, Shiba Inu, Akita, Doggy CaféComment
TOP 10 - MEILLEURS COSTUMES POUR CHIENS Top 10Chantal LevesqueOctober 16, 2017Halloween, Montreal Dog photographer, top 10Comment
CALENDRIER DU DOGGY CAFÉ 2017 Behind The ScenesChantal LevesqueOctober 11, 2017Doggy Cafe, corgi, pitbull, australian shepherd, Chow chow, Yorkie, samoyedComment