A long-term photo project that is near and dear to my heart. I had a big black dog called Ruth as a kid and shared 16 years of my adult life with a super handsome black cat, Diablo (who enjoyed singing in the shower… not a joke). I’ve always loved black animals so I was quite surprised to learn when working with shelters that they were often overlooked and the last to get adopted. Oh and did you know that black cats are bad luck? Yeah right!
So in honour of all those magnificent, goofy, sweet, funny, adventurous creatures I give you Chasing Shadows; a photographic journey of black adopted animals.
Photographed in many shades of grey, the animal’s personality, spunk, liveliness and of course their badassery can be displayed without any distractions. The only colour being the flicker in their eye that lets us gaze into their kind loving souls.
Through portraits, actions shots and moody environmental photography, like stills from a movie, their stories will be told and adventures will be lived.
A great big thank you to everyone involved in this passion project.
Black animals rock, let’s show the world! xoxo
More info on submitting your black animal for the project can be found HERE.